List of Courses Domiciled in the Department of Business and Industrial Law
LBI 203: Law of Contract I (4 Units)
LBI 204: Law of Contract II (4 Units)
LBI 207: Labour Law (4 Units)
LBI 208: Industrial Relations Law (4 Units)
LBI 305: Commercial Law I (4 Units)
LBI 306: Commercial Law II (4 Units)
LBI 307: Law of Intellectual Property (4 Units)
LBI 308: Law of Industrial Property (4 Units)
LBI 407: Law of Banking and Negotiable Instruments (4 Units)
LBI 408: Law of Insurance (4 Units)
LBI 413: Law of Personal Taxation (4 Units)
LBI 414: Law of Business Taxation (4 Units)
LBI 503: Company Law I (4 Units)
LBI 504: Company Law II (4 Units)